Graduate Students

Chao-Wen Chang

PhD Candidate

Chao-Wen works on simulation of micro-porous liquids associated Dr.Lively.

Shubham Jamdade

PhD Candidate

Shubham studies defects influence in nanoporous materials mass transfer.

Jia Yuan Chng

PhD Candidate

JY works on modeling adsorption and diffusion of siloxanes in MOFs.

Surbhi K. A. Kumar

PhD Student

Surbhi studies high-entropy heterometallic MOFs with multiple metal centers in same crystal.

Akriti Sarswat

PhD Candidate

Akriti is co-advised by Dr. Ryan Lively on a project about the role of acidic species in dilute ethylene capture.

Xiaohan Yu

PhD Candidate

Xiaohan uses machine learning techique to predict adsorption isotherm in nanoporous material.


Graduate Student

Ever wanted to work on the coolest computational research projects? Come join the Sholl Group! Email one of the current group members or David Sholl to hear more about our group and the projects we work on.